PODCAST| Online Course Creation with Jeremy Mast

Private practice owner Jeremy Mast chronicles his experience in growing a fully booked practice and then turning his clinical specialty of treating porn addiction into an online program that scales. Included in this episode:

  1. How Jeremy got fully booked
  2. Why Jeremy joined Business Made Human®
  3. What Jeremy learned in Course Creation Academy
  4. How Jeremy got proof of concept for his online program
  5. Why every therapist should be building their own online course or membership site right now
  6. How he has built and launched his online program

Join Fully Booked by Friday, April 17 at 5 PM EST and get $3,432 in BONUSES: https://go.privatepracticeworkshop.com/fully-booked-training

Join Business Made Human by Friday, April 17 at 5 PM EST and get $3,432 in BONUSES: https://go.privatepracticeworkshop.com/business-made-human

Sign up for a FREE trial of Spruce’s HIPAA-compliant phone and communication system at www.sprucehealth.com/ppw for 20% off your first month when you use the code “PPW20” at checkout. 

PornFree home page: https://www.pornfree.life/

PornFree FREE webinar: https://www.pornfree.life/registration-page-7a1e658b-d7f0-4ea9-a1ea-ac5f181a13f5

