Next Podcast: Kelly Higdon on Are You Ready to Scale Your Practice?

Kelly is a friend of the house and we love to have her on our show. It’s amazing how Kelly understands business and how easy she explains what are the important things you need to think about when being an entrepreneur. She’s a true leader, and her business insights are so on point that is hard not to have her on the show every week.
On this episode, going live July 25th, Kelly and John are talking about what are the key things to think about before scaling your private practice. For some, turning their private practice into a group practice is their dream, for others just a way to make more money. But, are you sure you are ready to take that step? Do you know what are the things you need to consider before becoming a group practice owner? This isn’t something you take lately, so stay tuned to listen to this conversation, where Kelly analyzes the steps you need to take before scaling your business. Besides, John is telling us why he decided to open a group practice.
If you want to know more about Kelly and her amazing business visit her website, read her incredible Instagram posts and if you want to work with her don’t hesitate in clicking the “work with me” button to book a free consult with her.
Have you downloaded John’s guide to write web copy that actually translates into sales? You can check the guide here. 
We’ll see you all tomorrow July 25th for more!

